Manitoba EcoJournal: Northern Sun Farm Ecovillage

I recently interviewed Gerhard Decker about the Northern Sun Farm Coop ecovillage.  This interview, together with photos of Northern Sun Farm, can be found in the Spring edition of the Manitoba EcoNetwork EcoJournal.  He talks about what it’s like living in an ecovillage in Manitoba and the challenges of living off-grid in our climate.  You can find the journal available at the EcoNetwork’s offices above Mountain Equipment Coop on Portage Ave (3-303 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB).

NatureSummit, a retreat for educators

NatureSummit is a retreat for educators to learn about and get ideas for helping children feel a sense of wonder outdoors. Occuring every two years, it is scheduled for September 16-18, 2016 at Camp Manitou.

I’m excited to mention that they have accepted my workshop proposal.  I have work to do and people to talk to, but I will presenting a workshop about ecovillages at this year’s event!  Currently titled “Reinventing Ourselves: Changing the Direction of Human Effort,” it will explore the philosophy behind them and offer practical advice on introducing the ideas.

I will follow up with more shortly!  You can learn more about Nature Summit on their website.